Monday, March 31

Tag: woodworking

Designing a cool smart doorbell for my house

Designing a cool smart doorbell for my house

CNC, Electronics, Uncategorized, Woodworking
Introduction Our doorbell's button stuck in the pressed position and caused the electromagnets coils to melt. I decided to use this project as an opportunity to design my own door bell using off the shelf hardware for the electronic and custom wood / acrylic case. I was also looking at a small project to try resin coating wood in order to get some experience for my upcoming computer desk project. Requirements: Fit with the decor - approx 10'' x 5'' x 2'' Play a mp3 / wav file when the doorbell button is pressed Include addressable led strips for lighting effects Use off the shelf component for the electronics Easy to program so my kids can help Use existing wiring (2 wire power + 2 wire button) Hardware Raspberry PI 3b + Raspian OS I wanted to use ...