Wednesday, March 12

Tag: diy

CNC Milling Machine – Limit switches

CNC Milling Machine – Limit switches

Spent the evening adding limit switches / home switch on all axis.  I'm not sure yet if the controller will support a home switch but I would rather have hard limit switch with a separate home switch : I want to eleminate any chances of the motors pushing against the frame on a axis stuck at the end of its course. Switches holders and limit switch bumper are all going to be 3D printed with ABS Cya
CNC Milling Machine – Update

CNC Milling Machine – Update

This is really starting to take shape.  Added the motor mounts (3D Printed ABS), Z axis motor / plate. Fixed various issue with the project structure in Inventor (adaptive parts, constraints etc). Order for rails and extrusions will be placed this week. Next steps are the connection between screw leads and carriages for X / Z axis.  I also need to figure out limit switches / wiring.  
DIY CNC Update

DIY CNC Update

Hi all, Worked a few hours on the design of the cnc machine.  Added 2 extrusions on X axis + plates to build up a stiffer beam.  Not sure I'm going to need it but I wanted the holes pattern to be in the side plates if needed.  I also added side shields with protect the linear rails and also will stiffen the Y axis C beams.  Spoiler board is quickly added, need to do pattern holes.  I intend to use the machine itself to drill all the t-nut holes (same for the side shield).  My goal is to build the minimum required to be able to use the machine itself to machine the rest of the parts Good night

Designing a DIY milling / routing / engraving machine

I'm in the process of designing a new CNC milling machine (gantry-style) After searching the internet for open-source designs, I couldn't find a design that meet my requirements Below 3000$ cdn At least 36" x 24" work area Extremely rigid frame Must be able to work with wood, plastic, aluminium and steel > 6" clearance on the Z axis  Long lasting mechanic (no plastic wheels to wear down) Open source so I can tweak and upgrade Readily available hardware I've found many designs on and but nothing that meet all my requirements.  I decided that the risk of building a machine that wasn't strong enough and would need  to be replaced in a year outweighted the complexity of a new...